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    • Date:2012-07-24 | Check the number:1780Time

      Welcome to 82EC! Protect the user's privacy is an important philosophy of 82EC. Information about our(82EC) customers is an important part of our business. Without the user's agreement, we shall absolutely not  provide your personal information to any third party unrelated with 82EC’s  services.

      1.Registration information

      You should provide you user name, password, real name, address, nationality, phone number and e-mail address to register 82EC. In addition, you should provide name of your company, address of your company, phone number of your company, services and products information of your company. The other information such as fax number and business pages can be written as you like. We may use e-mail to you relating to services and opportunities offered by 82EC.

      2.Use of user’s information

      Information about our users is an important part of 82EC, and we are not in the business of selling it to others or sharing with others. We share user’s information only as described below to promote transaction:

      (1) purchasing information post by buyer. When you inquiry the buyer, the buyer can also inquiry your information(including personal information, company information ,etc ).
      (2) supplying information post by supplier. When you inquiry the supplier, the supplier can also inquiry your information(including personal information, company information, product information, business Pages, qualifications, etc)
      (3) we(82EC) employ other companies and individuals to perform functions on our behalf. Examples include delivering packages, sending e-mail, providing marketing assistance, analyzing user’s data, processing payments. They have access to personal information needed to perform their functions, but may not use it for other purposes.
      (4) third-party advertisers and links to other websites. We do not provide personally-identifying information without your permission.

      3.User’s account

      Each user must take care of your account and take responsibility for all activities under your account. To the maximum extent permitted by laws of the People's Republic of China, 82EC reserves the right to refuse service, terminate account, remove or edit content, and cancel orders.
      You can solely modify your personal information and password.


      82EC contains links to third party Web sites. 82EC is not responsible for the privacy protection measures of linked third-party sites. As is required, 82EC may add business partners and brands’ sites.

      5.Network electronic communications

      Your visits of 82EC or e-mails to us shall be deemed to be communicate with us. It deems to be received once the agreement, announcement, notice and other information is sent by e-mail or post on 82EC.

      6.Public transaction information

      Purchasing information, supplying information and quoted price will be showed in public area. As a result, everyone can see it. So please consider carefully before posting and using.

      7.Comments, advices, news and other content

      Visitors can leave comments, advices, ideals, questions and other content on 82EC, as long as the content is not:

      (1) illegal, obscene, threatening, defamatory, invasive of privacy,  infringing of intellectual property rights, injurious to third parties or publics

      (2) spam contains virus, political campaigning, commercial solicitation and chain letter and bulk mails and other forms of spam.

      82EC reserves the right to (but not obligation to) delete and edit the content in above cases, and will not examine it frequently. 82EC makes no responsibility for the content post by the user and third parties.

      8.Data collection

      82EC will track IP addresses for identity and authenticity of the transaction, security considerations and other lawful requirements. If there is no security issues, we will delete them in 30 days. We also collect access data for future development.

      9.Data security

      82EC is obliged to protect collected information with safety engineering. It contains data backup and encryption. Pay attention, there is no absolute security technology on the internet.

      10.Privacy policy amendment and advice feedback

      With the development of 82EC, we will update the privacy. You can look up this announcement whenever you can. If you have any questions or suggestions about the privacy, please contact us or submit it through your account.

      Feedback email:



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