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Home > Help center > Complaints Suggestions > Suggestions on Perfecting the System
    • Suggestions on Perfecting the System
    • Date::2012-06-26 | Check the number:1629Time

      Dear buyer/supplier/partner, hello!

      When you use a 82EC service platform if find some problem, or what method can make the platform system more perfect, 82EC hope you can provide valuable advice, so that we can further improve the 82EC system, create more value for you.

      First, Suggestion plate:

      1, 82EC sites system: check the site map

      A channel product

      B, channel procurement

      C, channel supplier

      D, channel  enterprise business

      E, channel exhibition

      F, channel wholesale market

      G, member background


      2, the third party cooperation:

      A, Transportation companies, highway transport, maritime transport, air transport, express transport, railway transport;

      B, Third party payment.


      3, Business Operation:

      A, A 82EC management personnel;

      B, service system;

      C, operating system itself.


      Second, submission way:

      A, suggested way: login member account - my account - complaints whistle - system perfecting suggestion

      B, send email to: Operate@82ec.ccom

      C, send letter in the site:  login member account- information center-send send information the recipient: admin

      Note: when submit suggestions please fill out the suggestion type, subject, content and contact information, we will give solution within 2 working days.

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