Strict Standards: Non-static method ECMall::startup() should not be called statically in /data/wwwroot/www_82ec_com/mobile/index.php on line 26

Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /data/wwwroot/www_82ec_com/eccore/controller/app.base.php on line 38

Strict Standards: Declaration of Message::display() should be compatible with FrontendApp::display($tpl) in /data/wwwroot/www_82ec_com/eccore/controller/message.base.php on line 332
82EC Notice - ECMall


82EC Notice
Release date:2012-06-28 | Check the number:981time

Information Center- A 82EC notice: refers to the summary of all information between you and the administrator.

1. login and enter member account, click on "my account" and  enter member  account backstage.


2.Click the "82EC notice" in information center and enter 82EC notice management interface.


3.Explanation of each button

unchecked: unread letters all administrators noticed

Checked: Means All 82EC administrators notice letters were checked

Deleted: All letters have been removed.

Please select the screening function: you can filter letter inquiries according to products,  procurement suppliers' information type.

View details: show detailed page of the information after click.

Delete: You can delete the unread messages in bulk, Can not recover after delete.